
MaaS Investment Fund: 权益登记前 now open

In its 2018 Programme for Government, the Scottish Government committed to a £2 million investment fund, 从2019- 2020年起的三年内, to support the testing of the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) concept in Scotland. This concept has the potential to transform the way we use transport – making public and shared transport options as desirable as owning our own car.

其核心是, MaaS将为人们提供方便, digital access to travel information, allowing them to make more informed decisions on journey choices. This includes solutions to gather personalised travel requirements into a single travel app for example, or perhaps a service to allow unlimited access to multiple transport providers via a monthly user fee.

MaaS has the potential to support the Scottish Government agenda for a healthier, 更可持续的博天堂入口. By providing integrated and more comprehensive travel information, these services can empower people to use alternative travel methods, encouraging them out of cars and private car ownership, and in doing so reduce both carbon emissions and congestion.


The fund will be open to applications either on an individual or consortia basis from any organisation(s) from private, 公营及第三界别. Proposals could address a known issue, be co-created or an individual solution, or be seeking support from Transport Scotland for further development. It would be advantageous for applications to demonstrate the following:

  • Undertake your project within Scotland, covering one or more of the following thematic areas – Rural, 岛屿 & 社区; Tourism; Tackling inequality, Accessibility and Mobility; and delivering to wider government agendas of healthier, 更可持续的, 绿色的博天堂入口
  • Deliver on Scotland’s wider public transport network(s) – that is any traditional, active travel or emerging transport options
  • Have a Minimum Viable Product/Solution ready for testing/trial/ implementation/demonstration within the year of the funding award
  • 遵守博天堂入口法例
  • 与…相容, or working towards integration with, existing Scottish public transport smart technology infrastructure/specifications (e.g. cEMV, Mobile和ITSO)


  • March – Consultation events (Glasgow and Perth)
  • 26th April – Pre interest registration opens
  • 5月14日-格拉斯哥旁听会议
  • 17th May – Edinburgh drop-in session
  • 5月21日-珀斯旁听会议
  • 29th May – Pre interest registration closes
  • 六月底-全面简报会 & 竞争打开
  • 8月底-比赛结束
  • End November – Applicants notified, year 1 contracts awarded


Following on from the recent MaaS Investment Fund Consultations in Glasgow and Perth, MaaS博天堂入口 will be coordinating a 权益登记前 process on behalf of Transport Scotland. This will assist those interested in potentially applying to the MaaS Investment Fund later this year. 预注册过程, 将持续到五月底, aims to simplify any future application to the Investment Fund, providing an opportunity for early engagement with Transport Scotland and assisting you with pre-assessment of your project, 包括MaaS势, application suitability and stakeholder engagement.

Submissions to the 权益登记前 should be made 在这里 and should be completed before 29th May 2019.


通过进一步的帮助, three drop-in sessions have been arranged to provide an opportunity to discuss your proposals directly with representatives from Transport Scotland and MaaS博天堂入口. Appointments will be confirmed on a first come first served basis and sessions will run on the following days.

  • 14th May Glasgow (Transport Scotland, Buchanan House, Glasgow) 1000-1600
  • 17th May Edinburgh (Apex Haymarket Hotel) 1100-1600
  • 21st May Perth (Station Hotel, Perth) 1000-1600

If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please contact Alastair McInroy (alastair.mcinroy@technologyscotland.博天堂入口人).
